
Be one of the first 250 schools to register for the 2024 Premier’s be active Challenge (PbaC) and receive a $100 physical activity pack.

To register and receive a pack, please complete and submit the registration form. All schools should register in 2024 to ensure school contact details are up to date.

The PbaC team will ensure your school data is added to the Premier’s Challenges Administration System.

Administering the PbaC

Staff and teachers across South Australia do a wonderful job of promoting physical activity and the Premier’s be active Challenge – thank you for your dedication, care and enthusiasm!

Most of the information about the Challenge is contained in the guidelines and across the site.

The following are issues that arise regularly from schools:

Keeping Student Records – File Management Suggestions

We advise Student Records be kept for at least 3 years after the student has left your schools. For example, records of students who were in year 7 in 2020 may be disposed of in 2024. Please keep reports printed at data entry, and the awards lists sent to you each year by the PbaC team in case queries arise for past students.

We suggest saving all student records electronically.

Students’ Interstate Participation Acknowledgement

If you have students who have moved to your school from interstate, and have completed a similar challenge in their old school we are more than happy to update our records to include previous participation.

Please note that we cannot give students retrospective awards, but will award them in the current year according to the number of years completed both interstate and in SA.

As we do not have access to the interstate records, we require the following steps to be undertaken:

  1. Students requiring acknowledgement of interstate participation show their school’s PbaC coordinator the certificates they received interstate.
  2. PbaC coordinator then contacts the PbaC team via email and provides the following information:
    • Student name
    • Current year level
    • EDID number – this is the long number with a letter on the end (Government schools only)
    • Date of birth
    • Which years the student completed the Challenge interstate.
  3. PbaC team will then add the student to your school for the previous years, and the student will receive the next award according to how many years they have completed the Challenge overall.

Students who are relocating to another school (local or interstate)

Please ensure that their PbaC record goes with each student to their new school, and that the student and their parents are clear on what level the student is “up to”.

Award Level Enquiries – students new to your school

To find out what award level a new student at your school is aiming for this year, please email with the following information:

  • Full name (including any previous names, alternative names, nicknames)
  • Gender (current and previous, if changed)
  • Date of birth
  • Previous school
  • EDID number – this is the long number with a letter on the end (Government schools only).

Then we can look up the students required and let you know where they are up to in the Challenge, and ensure their records will match up when you enter your data this year.

Have a question about the Challenge?

Please email our Premier’s be active Challenge mailbox or call for assistance. We look forward to hearing from you.