Premier’s be active Challenge Guidelines

What is the Premier’s be active Challenge?

  • The Premier’s be active Challenge is a physical activity program introduced by the Premier in 2007 to encourage students to be more active more often and to improve student health and wellbeing.

Who can participate:

  • All students. The Premier’s be active Challenge is open to all South Australian students from Reception to year 12, as well as home schools and families.

What must students do:

  • The Challenge requires students to do at least 60 minutes of physical activity on at least 5 days of the week for at least 4 weeks from the start of the school year until the end of week 10, term 3.
  • Students must record their physical activity on the relevant student recording booklets or class progress charts.
  • A teacher or parent/carer must endorse the student physical activity record to indicate that the student has met the participation requirements.

What must schools do: 

  • If your school intends to participate in the Premier’s be active Challenge in 2025, please complete a registration form.
  • The first 250 schools to submit a registration in 2025 will receive a $100 physical activity pack.
  • Your school will receive an email with important information for the year ahead:
    • When it submits a registration form
    • At the start of each year (first week of term 1).

Schools must nominate 2 contact people for the Challenge. The nominated contact people will receive all communication to manage participation in the Premier’s be active Challenge. Students and classes do not need to register separately.

Appropriate physical activity: 

Physical activity level

To meet their daily requirement, students should undertake 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Examples include riding a bike, playing tag games, dancing, playing sport, walking to or from school. Physical activity does not need to be in one block of 60 minutes – it can be shorter amounts of activity that add up to 60 minutes.

Students with disabilities

The Challenge is achievable for children of all abilities. All participants will be required to complete at least 4 weeks of the Challenge.

A ‘negotiated’ Challenge can be set for children with special needs which can vary:

  • the numbers of days per week
  • the number of minutes per day
  • the types of activities undertaken.

The final mix of frequency, intensity, time and type of physical activity for the 4 weeks will be determined by the responsible adult and in consultation with the student.

Recording completions:

Government schools

Please record completions of the Premier’s be active Challenge via EDSAS or EMS.

Non-government schools

Please record completions of the Premier’s be active Challenge via the Education Department’s application portal (EDU Portal).

Home Schools and Families

Do not need to register. Simply download the home schools/families recording booklet from the website and submit the completed form by the end of September to the Premier’s be active Challenge team.


Annual awards

Students receive an award for each year that they complete the Challenge. They cannot receive more than one award per year; ie doubling the physical activity in one year will not result in two awards. Schools may consider extra merit awards for those students who go above and beyond the required physical activity for the Premier’s be active Challenge.

Award catch up

If there are extenuating circumstances, it is possible to negotiate for individuals to catch up a medal. To discuss, please contact the Manager, Premier’s Challenges.

Award order:
  • Mid-year intake reception – certificate
  • First year – Bronze medal
  • Second year – Silver medal
  • Third year – Gold medal
  • Fourth year – Champion medal
  • Fifth year – Legend medal
  • Sixth year – Hall of Fame medal
  • Seventh year – Be active for life Bronze medal
  • Eighth year – Be active for life Silver medal
  • Ninth year – Be active for life Gold medal
  • Tenth year – Be active for life Champion medal
  • Eleventh year – Be active for life Legend medal
  • Twelfth year – Be active for life Hall of Fame medal

View awards here.

Award presentations

Awards will be sent to schools in November with an aim to have them available for PE Week – generally week 5. It is suggested that award presentations are made at a special assembly involving your local Member of Parliament, a local identity or a Premier’s be active Challenge Ambassador.

Interstate or overseas students:

Students can have previous participation in a similar program acknowledged.

Schools are asked to verify students’ prior completion of a similar challenge and advise the Premier’s be active Challenge team of the years completed to update records accordingly.

For those families unable to source their interstate or overseas awards as evidence of their completion of a similar reading challenge, a statutory declaration may be to the Premier’s Challenges team. It should state the name of the previous reading challenge and the number of completed years.

Premier’s Reception:

High achieving schools that complete 10 weeks of the Premier’s be active Challenge are invited to the Premier’s Reception each year and awarded a certificate and $1000 to promote physical activity.

Have a question about the Challenge?

Please email our Premier’s be active Challenge mailbox or call for assistance. We look forward to hearing from you.