Sarah Dally rides into Koolunga PS

Koolunga Primary School enjoyed hearing from Sarah Dally, a fabulous young cyclist. This is what the students had to say…

Sarah Dally is a cyclist in Adelaide she came to Koolunga primary school to talk to us about what she does she told us that she was 15 when she first started cycling. I really like how she was so positive and when she falls in courage, she takes a breather and comes back with a smile. And she also told us how she became a cyclist. It all started when Sarah was in year ten. the institute of south Australian sport came to Sarah’s school they were doing 6 second cycling tests Sarah wasn’t picked to have a go but lucky enough she was in the gym where they were testing at the time and the teacher that was there with the instate of sport and asked if Sarah wanted a go so Sarah had a go she had never cycled before and never thought she’d like it they timed her and told her she could leave she never thought that she would get in but after a couple of months her mum got a call from instate of sport and they said that she got in!!!. she jumped up and down saying I’m going to the Olympics one day!!so it just goes to show that if you don’t try new things you will never achieve anything.

By Anniece


It was exciting to see a professional cyclist. It was really amazing how she told us how she started her life being a cyclist and she started cycling when she 16

She moved to Adelaide to race her first race.

She used to live in mount Gambier.

By Elsie


Sarah is an amazing cyclist.

Sarah is also an ambassador that comes to schools for the be active challenge.

It was amazing that Sarah does track racing and road racing. Sarah started at 19 and she shifted to Adelaide from Mount Gambier.

It is great that she came today because I learnt that Sarah’s goal is to make the Olympics for cycling in 2028 in La.

The first time she raced she fell on both arms and burned them but she was fine which is good.

The race we watched she was behind and drew with the other Aussie but then they looked at the wats and Sarah was behind by 000.1.

by Hanna


On Friday week four Sarah dally visited for the premiers be active challenge.

Sarah dally is a cyclist and for the premiers be active change she came to Koolunga primary school to talk to us and to see how we’ve gone on the be active challenge.

Sarah answered all of our questions that we had for her and she let some people get on her bike and peddle as hard as we coed it was hooed up to a spiny machine she also talked to us about her bike and how it is better for indoor crack riding career she started riding when she was fifteen and then she became a cyclist.

By Harrison


I learnt that there are different types of bikes for different races.

The racetrack for bikes at the Olympics is called a velodrome.

I liked the style of helmet that she uses in the velodrome.

By Harry


On Friday week 4 term 3 Sarah Dally visited our school. Sarah Dally is a cyclist and a “Be Active Challenge Ambassador” and she explained how race bikes and track bikes work. The most interesting thing she explained was how track bikes have 4 handlebars and you have to come in really tight and hold onto the middle handlebars on a track.

She also explained how track bikes don’t have brakes. The thing I liked the most is the medals she showed us, one was silver, one was bronze and another one was silver she also said she was aiming to be in the 2028 Olympics. She said that she started cycling when she was 16 and from then she has been a `cyclist.

By Roman



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