Hinks sails into Investigator College

Investigator College in Victor Harbor recently had the privilege of hosting Premier’s be active Challenge ambassador Ben Hinks, a distinguished sailor from the South Australian Sports Institute (SASI). Hinks, known for his exceptional sailing prowess, shared his experiences and insights with the students, igniting their passion for sailing and sportsmanship.

Hinks began the day with an engaging presentation in the school’s auditorium, where he recounted his journey from a young enthusiast in a ‘bathtub’ vessel through to his endeavours now sailing competitively overseas representing Australia. He highlighted the importance of resilience, discipline, and teamwork, essential qualities that have propelled him to success in the competitive world of sailing.

Following the presentation, Hinks conducted a practical session for both students and staff where students had the opportunity to learn basic sailing techniques. This hands-on experience was invaluable, providing the students with a real taste of the skills and strength required in sailing.

Zaree a Year 6 student shared their thoughts:

‘We had a guest speaker Ben come in on behalf of the Premiers be active Challenge. To talk about his sailing career. I thought it was so cool how he had gotten up into such a high level in sailing and how he had competed in in so many competitions. He brought some examples of sailboat equipment for students and teachers to have a competition in and he also talked about what kind of weather conditions sailing is good in. And that he also got in the national state and global competitions. And he is now aiming to sail in the Olympics in 2032.’

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